

2018 TCO Marathon Match Round 4 - CakeSharing


provisional score: 555108.81
provisional rank: 40th / 86




10 <= H, W <= 80
10 <= prob <= 90
5 <= NP <= 2 * (H + W)


折れ頂点(+ 格子点上の頂点?),rose,area などを格納した構造体 polygon を作る
時計回りとかで格納しないと駄目?(vis ではそうなっている)
凹多角形になっている場合などは 2 点選んでも分割できない?→問題の制約上凸多角形しかできないので大丈夫

valid な 2 点を選ぶと領域が分割される
S = area / numPieces
R = roses / numPieces
として,分割時に片方の領域が area S, rose R に近くなるよう点を選んでいく?
残りの area, rose にも気を配って帳尻合わせする必要がありそう
線上で死ぬ rose も考えると R <= roses / numPieces とするのが良いか



isOnPieceEdge が線形探索してるの無駄かなと思ったけど早すぎる高速化はやめたほうがいい

isRoseInsidePiece の挙動が謎
rose の中心を整数にするために座標を 2 倍してるのは理解できるが…

area と numRoses からいい感じに"あといくつの領域に分ける必要があるか"を決める
分割した時に cut 上に格子点が少ないとその後の分割が難しくなる(最も良いのは vertical or horizontal( or diagonal) な分割)ので,木の root に近いほうではそれに応じたペナルティを課したほうが良さそう

・カットの依存関係は DAG


プロファイラによると isRoseInsidePiece にほぼ時間が掛かっている

vertical or horizontal なものを全部探索して最もいい分割を採用する貪欲(激遅)を投げた

submission 1:
238407.80 (42)

大量に TLE 吐いてるはずなのにまあまあ点が出てるってことは貪欲ちゃんと書ければ 500k とか出る気がする
今回得点計算えぐすぎるし 500k でもまあまあの位置につけそうなんだよね

countRosesInsidePiece を高速化したい
rose が piece に何個含まれているかを高速に求める
rose が属する piece の idx をメモしておく?
凸包の y 座標ごとの x 区間を求めて累積和?
いずれも cut した際に計算する

凸包の y 座標ごとの x 区間を求めて累積和を求めるコードを書いた

submission 2:
238102.07(42) -> 197224.48(43)



submission 3:
197215.81(45) -> 276301.57(45)


いくつかの処理は凸包の頂点のみ着目すれば良いような気がするのでそれを格納する構造体 Piece を作ろう

ようやく線形探索してる isOnPieceEdge がボトルネックになったので改善する
・point p がどの piece に属しているか (複数ありえる)
・ある piece に点 p が含まれるか (set とかで)

set にしたら逆に遅くなった
状態のコピーが重いので Undo を実装する必要が出てきた
元のピースを構成する点とか idx とか持たせるならやはり piece 構造体を作ってしまうのが正しい気がする

--- Piece 構造体に格納するべき情報
piece の idx (new!, 一応)
格子点 (元 pieces)
頂点 (new!)
numDivides (あといくつの領域に分割する必要があるか)
分割する前の piece の idx (new!)
分割する前の piece 本体 (new!)


とりあえずリファクタリングの前に submit する
貪欲解生成時の評価関数をほぼ生のスコアから (stdDevArea + stdDevRoses) に変えたらスコアが伸びそうなのでそれで提出

submission 4:
264348.51(46) -> 349042.77(37)

good ですね

roses, cumuRoses などはコピーコストがでかいのでグローバルに置くべきか?
というか現在 cumuRoses さえあれば凸包内の roses を求めることができるので roses は完全にお払い箱だった

countRosesInsidePiece -> countRosesInsideConvexHull
pts 系は後で state の外に出してよさそう

undo をなんとか実装
無限にバグってしんどかった 実装力なさすぎる

次は vertex の実装
遅かった isOnPieceEdge などは vertex を結ぶ直線上に存在するか計算することで早くなりそう

あとで getConvexHullArea を vertex に変えて validation

バカなので makeCut に isOnConvexHullEdge がいらないことに気付かなかった
分割する piece を決めて頂点を選んでいるのだから piece id と point id さえ分かればカット可能じゃん

emplace 系関数への移行
vertex だけで十分なんじゃ?
prev 保持しとくのもなんかダサい

vertex のみのバージョンができた
領域内の roses 判定も map 使わないことで最大ケースでも 2 秒とかで全探索貪欲解を得られるようになった

ようやく焼きなましとか MM っぽいことができそう

現在 undo はスタックに突っ込んだ piece 構造体をまるごと戻すことで行っているが,これでは他の領域に変更が生じた場合に不具合が起きる
cut の情報のみから pieces をマージできるよう実装を変更する必要がある

0 ---------- 1
|            |
|U           |D
|            |
|     L      |
3 ---------- 2

cut: {}
piece: {{0, 1, 2, 3, 0}}

   R     R
0 --- 4 ---- 1
|     |      |
|U   D|U     |D
|     |      |
|     |      |
3 --- 5 ---- 2
   L     L

cut: {(4, 5)}
piece: {{4, 5, 3, 0, 4}, {5, 4, 1, 2, 5}}

4 の位置がわかれば
{4, 5, 3, 0, 4} の 4, 5 以降の 3, 0
{5, 4, 1, 2, 5} の 5, 4 以降の 1, 2
{3, 0, 1, 2, 3}
という元の piece を復元できる

cut がどの piece に属するか瞬時に求めるには
最初考えていた木構造で pieces・有向グラフで cut の依存関係を保持する方法が有効か
cut が除去可能かは O(1)


・辺を explicit に共有する 2 領域を見つける

マージを簡単にするために makeCut の piece 生成規則を統一する



しんどすぎる 助けてくれ

終了 3 時間前
countRosesInsideConvexHull がバグってた

dependency.removable が空になる問題


#include "bits/stdc++.h"
#include <random>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>

#define LOCAL
#define OFFICIAL

#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
#endif // LOCAL

using namespace std;

#define DUMPOUT cerr
#define dump(...) DUMPOUT<<"  ";DUMPOUT<<#__VA_ARGS__<<" :["<<__LINE__<<":"<<__FUNCTION__<<"]"<<endl;DUMPOUT<<"    ";dump_func(__VA_ARGS__)

typedef unsigned uint; typedef long long ll; typedef unsigned long long ull; typedef pair<ll, ll> pll; typedef pair<double, double> pdd; typedef pair<string, string> pss;
template <typename _KTy, typename _Ty> ostream& operator << (ostream& ostr, const pair<_KTy, _Ty>& m) { ostr << "{" << m.first << ", " << m.second << "}"; return ostr; }
template <typename _KTy, typename _Ty> ostream& operator << (ostream& ostr, const map<_KTy, _Ty>& m) { if (m.empty()) { ostr << "{ }"; return ostr; } ostr << "{" << *m.begin(); for (auto itr = ++m.begin(); itr != m.end(); itr++) { ostr << ", " << *itr; } ostr << "}"; return ostr; }
template <typename _KTy, typename _Ty> ostream& operator << (ostream& ostr, const unordered_map<_KTy, _Ty>& m) { if (m.empty()) { ostr << "{ }"; return ostr; } ostr << "{" << *m.begin(); for (auto itr = ++m.begin(); itr != m.end(); itr++) { ostr << ", " << *itr; } ostr << "}"; return ostr; }
template <typename _Ty> ostream& operator << (ostream& ostr, const vector<_Ty>& v) { if (v.empty()) { ostr << "{ }"; return ostr; } ostr << "{" << v.front(); for (auto itr = ++v.begin(); itr != v.end(); itr++) { ostr << ", " << *itr; }    ostr << "}"; return ostr; }
template <typename _Ty> ostream& operator << (ostream& ostr, const set<_Ty>& s) { if (s.empty()) { ostr << "{ }"; return ostr; } ostr << "{" << *(s.begin()); for (auto itr = ++s.begin(); itr != s.end(); itr++) { ostr << ", " << *itr; }    ostr << "}"; return ostr; }
template <typename _Ty> ostream& operator << (ostream& ostr, const unordered_set<_Ty>& s) { if (s.empty()) { ostr << "{ }"; return ostr; } ostr << "{" << *(s.begin()); for (auto itr = ++s.begin(); itr != s.end(); itr++) { ostr << ", " << *itr; }  ostr << "}"; return ostr; }
template <typename _Ty> ostream& operator << (ostream& ostr, const stack<_Ty>& s) { if (s.empty()) { ostr << "{ }"; return ostr; } stack<_Ty> t(s); ostr << "{" << t.top(); t.pop(); while (!t.empty()) { ostr << ", " << t.top(); t.pop(); } ostr << "}";   return ostr; }
template <typename _Ty> ostream& operator << (ostream& ostr, const list<_Ty>& l) { if (l.empty()) { ostr << "{ }"; return ostr; } ostr << "{" << l.front(); for (auto itr = ++l.begin(); itr != l.end(); ++itr) { ostr << ", " << *itr; } ostr << "}"; return ostr; }
template <typename _KTy, typename _Ty> istream& operator >> (istream& istr, pair<_KTy, _Ty>& m) { istr >> m.first >> m.second; return istr; }
template <typename _Ty> istream& operator >> (istream& istr, vector<_Ty>& v) { for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) istr >> v[i]; return istr; }
namespace aux { // print tuple
    template<typename Ty, unsigned N, unsigned L> struct tp { static void print(ostream& os, const Ty& v) { os << get<N>(v) << ", "; tp<Ty, N + 1, L>::print(os, v); } };
    template<typename Ty, unsigned N> struct tp<Ty, N, N> { static void print(ostream& os, const Ty& value) { os << get<N>(value); } };
template<typename... Tys> ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const tuple<Tys...>& t) { os << "{"; aux::tp<tuple<Tys...>, 0, sizeof...(Tys)-1>::print(os, t); os << "}"; return os; }

template<typename A, size_t N, typename T> inline void Fill(A(&array)[N], const T &val) { std::fill((T*)array, (T*)(array + N), val); }

void dump_func() { DUMPOUT << endl; }
template <class Head, class... Tail> void dump_func(Head&& head, Tail&&... tail) { DUMPOUT << head; if (sizeof...(Tail) == 0) { DUMPOUT << " "; } else { DUMPOUT << ", "; } dump_func(std::move(tail)...); }

#define PI 3.14159265358979323846
#define EPS 1e-10
#define FOR(i,a,b) for(int i=(a);i<(b);++i)
#define REP(i,n)  FOR(i,0,n)
#define all(x) (x).begin(), (x).end()
#define SZ(x) ((int)(x).size())
#define fake false
#define LE(n,m) ((n) < (m) + EPS)
#define GE(n,m) ((n) + EPS > (m))
#define EQ(n,m) (abs((n)-(m)) < EPS)

#define X(p) (p.first)
#define Y(p) (p.second)

const bool debug_mode = false;
double time_elapses;

class timer {
    vector<timer> timers;
    int n = 0;
#ifdef LOCAL
    double limit = 9.85;
    double limit = 9.85;
    double t = 0;
    timer() {}
    timer(int size) : timers(size) {}
    bool elapses() const {
        return time() - t > limit;
    void measure() {
        t = time() - t;
    void measure(char id) {
    void print() {
        if (n % 2)
        for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
            if (timers[i].n)
                cerr << (char)i << ' ' << timers[i].t << 's' << endl;
        cerr << "  " << t << 's' << endl;
    static double time() {
#ifdef LOCAL
        return __rdtsc() / 2.6e9;
        unsigned long long a, d;
        __asm__ volatile ("rdtsc" : "=a" (a), "=d" (d));
        return (d << 32 | a) / 2.8e9;
} timer(128);

struct SXor128 {
    unsigned x, y, z, w;
    SXor128() { x = 123456789; y = 362436069; z = 521288629; w = 88675123; }
    SXor128(int _w) { x = 123456789; y = 362436069; z = 521288629; w = _w; }
    void setSeed() { x = 123456789; y = 362436069; z = 521288629; w = 88675123; }
    void setSeed(int _w) { x = 123456789; y = 362436069; z = 521288629; w = _w; }
    unsigned nextUInt() {
        unsigned t = (x ^ (x << 11));
        x = y; y = z; z = w;
        return (w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8)));
    unsigned nextUInt(unsigned mod) {
        unsigned t = (x ^ (x << 11));
        x = y; y = z; z = w;
        w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8));
        return w % mod;

    // [l, r]
    unsigned nextUInt(unsigned l, unsigned r) {
        unsigned t = (x ^ (x << 11));
        x = y; y = z; z = w;
        w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8));
        return w % (r - l + 1) + l;
    double nextDouble() {
        return double(nextUInt()) / UINT_MAX;
} rnd;

class TestCase {
    vector<string> roses;
    int H, W, prob, NP, NR;
    TestCase(int _H, int _W, int _prob, int _NP) : NR(0) {
        H = (_H < 0 ? rnd.nextUInt(10, 80) : _H);
        W = (_W < 0 ? rnd.nextUInt(10, 80) : _W);
        prob = (_prob < 0 ? rnd.nextUInt(10, 90) : _prob);
        NP = (_NP < 0 ? rnd.nextUInt(5, 2 * (H + W)) : _NP);

        roses = vector<string>(H, string(W, '.'));
        for (int i = 0; i < H; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < W; j++) {
                int t = rnd.nextUInt(100);
                roses[i][j] = (t < prob ? 'R' : '.');
                if (roses[i][j] == 'R') {

namespace NGlobals {
    int H, W, NP, NR;
    vector<string> roses;
    vector<vector<int>> cumuRoses;

typedef pair<int, int> Point;
typedef pair<Point, Point> Edge;

typedef struct Piece {
    int idx;
    vector<Point> vs;
    double area;
    int rosesInside;
    int numDivide;
    Piece() {}
    Piece(int _idx, vector<Point>& _vs, double _area, int _rosesInside, int _numDivide)
        : idx(_idx), vs(_vs), area(_area), rosesInside(_rosesInside), numDivide(_numDivide) {}
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Piece& p) {
    os << "idx: " << p.idx << endl;
    os << "vs: " << p.vs << endl;
    os << "area: " << p.area << endl;
    os << "rosesInside: " << p.rosesInside << endl;
    os << "numDivide: " << p.numDivide << endl;
    return os;

int gcd(int m, int n) {
    if (m == 0 && n == 0) return 0;
    if (m < 0) m = -m;
    if (n < 0) n = -n;
    if (m == 0 || n == 0)
        return max(m, n);
    int k;
    do {
        k = m % n;
        m = n; n = k;
    } while (k != 0);
    return m;

bool isInside(const Point& p) {
    return Y(p) >= 0 && Y(p) <= NGlobals::H && X(p) >= 0 && X(p) <= NGlobals::W;

bool isOnEdge(const Edge& e, const Point& p) {
    int x0 = e.first.first, y0 = e.first.second;
    int x1 = e.second.first, y1 = e.second.second;
    int x = p.first, y = p.second;

    if ((x - x0) * (y1 - y0) != (y - y0) * (x1 - x0))
        return false;

    if (x0 == x1)
        return min(y0, y1) < y && y < max(y0, y1);
    if (y0 == y1)
        return min(x0, x1) < x && x < max(x0, x1);

    return abs(x - x0) < abs(x1 - x0) && abs(y - y0) < abs(y1 - y0);

// edge(vs[i], vs[i + 1]) に存在するとき i を返す
int isOnConvexHull(const vector<Point>& vs, const Point& p) {
    for (int i = 0; i < vs.size() - 1; i++)
        if (isOnEdge(Edge(vs[i], vs[i + 1]), p))
            return i;
    return -1;

// 凸包の隣接する頂点がなす辺と一致するか
// 順方向なら 1, 逆方向なら -1
int isCutOnPiece(const vector<Point>& vs, const Edge& cut) {
    Point p1 = cut.first, p2 = cut.second;
    // p1 ある?
    int n = vs.size() - 1;
    int idx = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        if (vs[i] == p1)
            idx = i;
    if (idx == -1)
        return 0;
    // 順方向?
    if (vs[idx + 1] == p2)
        return 1;
    // 逆方向?
    if (vs[(idx + n - 1) % n] == p2)
        return -1;
    // 存在しない
    return 0;

Point isCutOnPiece2(const vector<Point>& vs, const Edge& cut) {
    Point p1 = cut.first, p2 = cut.second;
    // p1 ある?
    int n = vs.size() - 1;
    int idx = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        if (vs[i] == p1)
            idx = i;
    if (idx == -1)
        return Point(-1, -1);
    // 順方向?
    if (vs[idx + 1] == p2)
        return Point(idx, 1);
    // 逆方向?
    if (vs[(idx + n - 1) % n] == p2)
        return Point((idx + n - 1) % n, -1);
    // 存在しない
    return Point(-1, -1);

int countRosesInsideConvexHull(const vector<Point>& vs) {
    using namespace NGlobals;
    int n = 0;

    vector<int> pos(H, -1);

    for (int i = 0; i < vs.size() - 1; i++) {
        int x1 = X(vs[i]), y1 = Y(vs[i]);
        int x2 = X(vs[i + 1]), y2 = Y(vs[i + 1]);
        int dx = x2 - x1, dy = y2 - y1;

        if (!dy)

        int ymin = (min(y1, y2) << 1), ymax = (max(y1, y2) << 1);
        for (int y = ymin + 1; y <= ymax - 1; y += 2) {
            int x = (x1 << 1) + dx * (y - (y1 << 1)) / dy;
            x += (x & 1) + 1;
            int yy = (y >> 1);
            if (pos[yy] < 0)
                pos[yy] = (x >> 1);
                n += abs(cumuRoses[yy][x >> 1] - cumuRoses[yy][pos[yy]]);

    return n;

int countRosesInsideConvexHull2(const vector<Point>& vs) {
    using namespace NGlobals;
    int n = 0;

    vector<int> pos(H, -1);

    int res = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < vs.size() - 1; i++) {
        int x1 = X(vs[i]), y1 = Y(vs[i]);
        int x2 = X(vs[i + 1]), y2 = Y(vs[i + 1]);
        int dx = x2 - x1, dy = y2 - y1;

        if (!dy)

        // dy が負なら左端 正なら右端
        int ymin = (min(y1, y2) << 1), ymax = (max(y1, y2) << 1);

        int d = (dy < 0 ? 1 : 0);

        if (dy < 0) {
            dy = -dy; dx = -dx;
        for (int y = ymin + 1; y <= ymax - 1; y += 2) {
            int n = dx * (y - (y1 << 1)) + dy * (x1 << 1);
            int x = n / dy;
            int r = n % dy;
            int yy = (y >> 1), xx;
            if (!r && (x & 1)) {
                xx = (x + d) >> 1;
            else {
                x += (1 << (x & 1));
                xx = x >> 1;
            if (pos[yy] == -1)
                pos[yy] = xx;
                res += abs(cumuRoses[yy][pos[yy]] - cumuRoses[yy][xx]);
    return res;

double getConvexHullArea(const vector<Point>& vs) {
    double a = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < vs.size() - 1; i++) {
        Point p1 = vs[i], p2 = vs[i + 1];
        a += (X(vs[i + 1]) - X(vs[i])) * (Y(vs[i]) + Y(vs[i + 1]));
    return abs(a) / 2.0;

void addPointsOnEdge(vector<Point>& pts, int loc, const Point p1, const Point p2) {
    int dx = X(p2) - X(p1), dy = Y(p2) - Y(p1);
    int g = gcd(dx, dy);
    if (g == 1)
    dx /= g; dy /= g;
    vector<Point> pts_new(pts.size() + g - 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < loc; i++)
        pts_new[i] = pts[i];
    for (int i = 1; i < g; i++)
        pts_new[loc + i - 1] = Point(X(p1) + dx * i, Y(p1) + dy * i);
    for (int i = loc; i < pts.size(); i++)
        pts_new[loc + g - 1 + i] = pts[i];
    pts = pts_new;

vector<vector<Point>> getAllPointsOnConvexHull(const vector<Point>& vs) {
    vector<vector<Point>> pts(vs.size() - 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < vs.size() - 1; i++) {
        addPointsOnEdge(pts[i], pts[i].size(), vs[i], vs[i + 1]);
        //pts[i].push_back(vs[i + 1]);
    return pts;

double eval_combine(double stdDevArea, double stdDevRoses) {
    return stdDevArea + stdDevRoses;
double eval_a2r1(double stdDevArea, double stdDevRoses) {
    return stdDevArea + stdDevArea + stdDevRoses;
double eval_a1r2(double stdDevArea, double stdDevRoses) {
    return stdDevArea + stdDevRoses + stdDevRoses;
double eval_area(double stdDevArea, double stdDevRoses) {
    return stdDevArea * 10000 + stdDevRoses;
double eval_roses(double stdDevArea, double stdDevRoses) {
    return stdDevArea + stdDevRoses * 10000;
double eval_default(double stdDevArea, double stdDevRoses) {
    return (1.0 + stdDevArea) * (1.0 + stdDevRoses);

class StateGreedy {
    vector<Piece> pieces;
    vector<Edge> cuts;
    stack<Piece> pieceStack;

    double calcScore() const {
        double stdDevArea, stdDevRoses;
        double meanArea, meanRoses;
        stdDevArea = stdDevRoses = meanArea = meanRoses = 0;
        int n = pieces.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            const Piece& p = pieces[i];
            meanArea += p.area;
            meanRoses += p.rosesInside;
            stdDevArea += p.area * p.area;
            stdDevRoses += p.rosesInside * p.rosesInside;
        meanArea /= n; meanRoses /= n; stdDevArea /= n; stdDevRoses /= n;
        stdDevArea = sqrt(stdDevArea - meanArea * meanArea);
        stdDevRoses = sqrt(stdDevRoses - meanRoses * meanRoses);
        return (1.0 + stdDevArea) * (1.0 + stdDevRoses);

    double calcPseudoScore(function<double(double, double)> eval_func) const {
        using namespace NGlobals;
        double stdDevArea, stdDevRoses;
        double meanArea, meanRoses;
        stdDevArea = stdDevRoses = meanArea = meanRoses = 0;
        int n = pieces.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            meanArea += pieces[i].area;
            meanRoses += pieces[i].rosesInside;
        meanArea /= NP; meanRoses /= NP;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            const Piece& p = pieces[i];

            stdDevArea += p.numDivide * pow(p.area / p.numDivide - meanArea, 2);
            stdDevRoses += p.numDivide * pow(1.0 * p.rosesInside / p.numDivide - meanRoses, 2);
        stdDevArea = sqrt(stdDevArea / NP); stdDevRoses = sqrt(stdDevRoses / NP);
        return eval_func(stdDevArea, stdDevRoses);

    StateGreedy() {}

    void init() {
        using namespace NGlobals;

        Piece piece;
        vector<Point> vs({ { 0, 0 },{ W, 0 },{ W, H },{ 0, H },{ 0, 0 } });
        piece.idx = 0;
        piece.vs = vs;
        piece.area = getConvexHullArea(vs);
        piece.rosesInside = NR;
        piece.numDivide = NP;

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            cuts.push_back(Edge(vs[i], vs[i + 1]));

    // p1, p2 は piece[idx] の境界上に存在することが保証される
    // pi は Edge(v[loci], v[loci + 1]) 上に存在することが保証される
    // loc1 < loc2
    bool makeCut(int idx, int loc1, Point p1, int loc2, Point p2) {
        // 十分小さい領域に分割されている
        if (pieces[idx].numDivide == 1)
            return false;

        //dump(idx, loc1, p1, loc2, p2);

        Piece piece_old = pieces[idx];

        vector<Point> vs_total = piece_old.vs;
        // 逆方向 p2 -> p1 -> ...
        vector<Point> vs_new(loc2 - loc1 + 3);
        vs_new[0] = vs_new.back() = p2;
        vs_new[1] = p1;
        for (int i = loc1 + 1; i <= loc2; i++)
            vs_new[i - loc1 + 1] = vs_total[i];

        // これいらない?
        double area_new = getConvexHullArea(vs_new);
        if (area_new < 0.25)
            return false;
        double area_old = piece_old.area - area_new;
        if (area_old < 0.25)
            return false;

        // cut できる


        int div_total = piece_old.numDivide, div_new, div_old;
        double ratio_old = area_old / (area_old + area_new);
        double ratio_new = 1.0 - ratio_old;
        div_new = max(int(round(div_total * ratio_new)), 1);
        div_old = div_total - div_new;
        int roses_new = countRosesInsideConvexHull(vs_new);
        pieces.push_back(Piece(pieces.size(), vs_new, area_new, roses_new, div_new));

        //piece_old = pieces[idx];
        //vs_total = piece_old.vs;
        int n = vs_total.size();
        vector<Point> vs_old(n + loc1 - loc2 + 2);
        vs_old[0] = vs_old.back() = p1;
        vs_old[1] = p2;
        for (int i = loc2 + 1; i < n; i++)
            vs_old[i - loc2 + 1] = vs_total[i];
        for (int i = 1; i <= loc1; i++)
            vs_old[n - loc2 + i] = vs_total[i];

        pieces[idx].vs = vs_old;
        pieces[idx].area = area_old;
        pieces[idx].numDivide = div_old;
        pieces[idx].rosesInside = countRosesInsideConvexHull(vs_old);

        cuts.emplace_back(p1, p2);

    void undoCut() {
        int idx = pieceStack.top().idx;
        pieces[idx] = pieceStack.top(); pieceStack.pop();

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const StateGreedy& s) {
    os << "pieces: " << s.pieces << endl;
    os << "cuts: " << s.cuts << endl;
    return os;

class CakeSharingVisGreedy {
    CakeSharingVisGreedy() {}
    void visualize(const StateGreedy& state, int delay = 0) {
        using namespace NGlobals;
        int pixsize = min(800 / H, 1200 / W);
        int boardH = H * pixsize;
        int boardW = W * pixsize;

        cv::Mat_<cv::Vec3b> img_board(boardH, boardW, cv::Vec3b(255, 255, 255));
        const vector<Piece>& pieces = state.pieces;

        for (int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < pieces[i].vs.size() - 1; j++) {
                Point s = pieces[i].vs[j];
                Point g = pieces[i].vs[j + 1];

                cv::line(img_board, cv::Point(X(s) * pixsize, Y(s) * pixsize), cv::Point(X(g) * pixsize, Y(g) * pixsize), cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), 2, cv::LINE_AA);

        int offset = 10;
        cv::Mat_<cv::Vec3b> img(img_board.rows + 20, img_board.cols + 20, cv::Vec3b(200, 200, 200));
        cv::Rect roi(10, 10, img_board.cols, img_board.rows);
        cv::Mat img_roi = img(roi);

        cv::imshow("vis", img);

class SolveGreedy {
    vector<StateGreedy> states;

    SolveGreedy() {}

    StateGreedy solve() {
        using namespace NGlobals;

        vector<function<double(double, double)>> eval_func({ eval_combine, eval_area, eval_roses, eval_default, eval_a1r2, eval_a2r1 });

        double min_method_score = DBL_MAX;
        StateGreedy min_method_state;

        for (int f = 0; f < eval_func.size(); f++) {
            StateGreedy state;


            for (int n = 1; n <= NP - 1; n++) {
                //dump(n, timer.time() - timer.t, time_elapses);

                double min_score = DBL_MAX;
                int min_i, min_e1, min_e2;
                Point min_p1, min_p2;
                for (int i = 0; i < state.pieces.size(); i++) {
                    if (state.pieces[i].numDivide == 1)
                    vector<vector<Point>> pts = getAllPointsOnConvexHull(state.pieces[i].vs);
                    for (int e1 = 0; e1 < pts.size() - 1; e1++) {
                        for (int e2 = e1 + 1; e2 < pts.size(); e2++) {
                            for (int v1 = 0; v1 < pts[e1].size(); v1++) {
                                for (int v2 = 0; v2 < pts[e2].size(); v2++) {
                                    //dump(e1, e2, pts[e1][v1], pts[e2][v2]);
                                    Point p1 = pts[e1][v1];
                                    Point p2 = pts[e2][v2];
                                    if (X(p1) != X(p2) && Y(p1) != Y(p2))

                                    state.makeCut(i, e1, p1, e2, p2);
                                    double score = state.calcPseudoScore(eval_func[f]);
                                    if (score < min_score) {
                                        min_score = score;
                                        min_i = i; min_e1 = e1; min_e2 = e2; min_p1 = p1; min_p2 = p2;
                state.makeCut(min_i, min_e1, min_p1, min_e2, min_p2);

            double score = state.calcScore();
            //dump(f, score);
            if (score < min_method_score) {
                min_method_score = score;
                min_method_state = state;


        return min_method_state;

class CutGraph {
    // 辺の依存グラフ
    // 0, 1, 2, 3 は最初の長方形の辺
    // 隣接リストで管理
    vector<set<int>> G;
    // 親のリスト
    vector<set<int>> PG;
    set<int> removable;

    CutGraph() {}

    // 依存グラフの構築
    void createDependencyGraph(const vector<Edge>& cuts) {
        // -1 を入れておけば削除可能とはならない
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)

        // 各辺について
        for (int i = 0; i < cuts.size(); i++) {
            // 各頂点について
            for (int j = 0; j < cuts.size(); j++) {
                if (isOnEdge(cuts[i], cuts[j].first)) {
                if (isOnEdge(cuts[i], cuts[j].second)) {

        // 子を持たないノードは削除可能
        for (int i = 0; i < G.size(); i++)
            if (G[i].empty())

    void remove(int v) {
        // 親を見ていく
        for (auto p : PG[v]) {
            // 親から edgeIdx を削除する
            if (G[p].empty())
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const CutGraph& g) {
    os << "dependencyGraph: " << g.G << endl;
    os << "removable: " << g.removable << endl;
    return os;

class CakeSharingVisSA {
    CakeSharingVisSA() {}
    void visualize(const vector<Piece>& pieces, const vector<bool>& usedPiece, int delay = 0) {
        using namespace NGlobals;
        int pixsize = min(900 / H, 1800 / W);
        int boardH = H * pixsize;
        int boardW = W * pixsize;

        cv::Mat_<cv::Vec3b> img_board(boardH, boardW, cv::Vec3b(255, 255, 255));

        for (int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) {
            if (!usedPiece[i])
            for (int j = 0; j < pieces[i].vs.size() - 1; j++) {
                Point s = pieces[i].vs[j];
                Point g = pieces[i].vs[j + 1];

                cv::line(img_board, cv::Point(X(s) * pixsize, Y(s) * pixsize), cv::Point(X(g) * pixsize, Y(g) * pixsize), cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), 3, cv::LINE_AA);

        int offset = 10;
        cv::Mat_<cv::Vec3b> img(img_board.rows + 20, img_board.cols + 20, cv::Vec3b(200, 200, 200));
        cv::Rect roi(10, 10, img_board.cols, img_board.rows);
        cv::Mat img_roi = img(roi);

        cv::imshow("vis", img);

class StateSA {
    stack<int> vacantPieceIdx;
    stack<int> vacantEdgeIdx;

    Edge getPieceInfoShareEdge(const Edge& e) {
        Edge info;
        for (int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) {
            if (!usedPiece[i])
            Point pos = isCutOnPiece2(pieces[i].vs, e);
            if (pos.first == -1)
            (pos.second == 1 ? info.first : info.second) = Point(i, pos.first);
        return info;

    vector<Piece> pieces;
    vector<Edge> cuts;
    CutGraph dependency;
    vector<bool> usedPiece;
    vector<bool> usedEdge;

    list<Edge> cutsOrder;

    StateSA() {}
    StateSA(const StateGreedy& gstate) : pieces(gstate.pieces), cuts(gstate.cuts) {
        usedPiece.resize(pieces.size(), true);
        usedEdge.resize(cuts.size(), true);
        for (int i = 4; i < cuts.size(); i++)

    double calcScore() const {
        double stdDevArea, stdDevRoses;
        double meanArea, meanRoses;
        stdDevArea = stdDevRoses = meanArea = meanRoses = 0;
        int n = pieces.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            const Piece& p = pieces[i];
            meanArea += p.area;
            meanRoses += p.rosesInside;
            stdDevArea += p.area * p.area;
            stdDevRoses += p.rosesInside * p.rosesInside;
        meanArea /= n; meanRoses /= n; stdDevArea /= n; stdDevRoses /= n;
        stdDevArea = sqrt(stdDevArea - meanArea * meanArea);
        stdDevRoses = sqrt(stdDevRoses - meanRoses * meanRoses);
        return (1.0 + stdDevArea) * (1.0 + stdDevRoses);

    double calcPseudoScore(function<double(double, double)> eval_func) const {
        using namespace NGlobals;
        double stdDevArea, stdDevRoses;
        double meanArea, meanRoses;
        stdDevArea = stdDevRoses = meanArea = meanRoses = 0;
        int n = pieces.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            if (!usedPiece[i])
            meanArea += pieces[i].area;
            meanRoses += pieces[i].rosesInside;
        meanArea /= NP; meanRoses /= NP;
        //dump(meanArea, meanRoses);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            if (!usedPiece[i])
            const Piece& p = pieces[i];
            stdDevArea += p.numDivide * pow(p.area / p.numDivide - meanArea, 2);
            stdDevRoses += p.numDivide * pow(1.0 * p.rosesInside / p.numDivide - meanRoses, 2);
        stdDevArea = sqrt(stdDevArea / NP); stdDevRoses = sqrt(stdDevRoses / NP);
        //dump(stdDevArea, stdDevRoses);
        return eval_func(stdDevArea, stdDevRoses);

    // スコアの差分を計算する
    // 返り値は edge と分割された piece のペア
    double calcScoreDiff(int pieceIdx, int loc1, Point p1, int loc2, Point p2) {
        int pIdx1 = pieceIdx;

        const Piece& piece_total = pieces[pIdx1];
        double area_total = piece_total.area;
        double roses_total = piece_total.rosesInside;
        vector<Point> vs_total = piece_total.vs;

        vector<Point> vs_new(loc2 - loc1 + 3);
        vs_new[0] = vs_new.back() = p2;
        vs_new[1] = p1;
        for (int i = loc1 + 1; i <= loc2; i++)
            vs_new[i - loc1 + 1] = vs_total[i];

        int n = vs_total.size();
        vector<Point> vs_old(n + loc1 - loc2 + 2);
        vs_old[0] = vs_old.back() = p1;
        vs_old[1] = p2;
        for (int i = loc2 + 1; i < n; i++)
            vs_old[i - loc2 + 1] = vs_total[i];
        for (int i = 1; i <= loc1; i++)
            vs_old[n - loc2 + i] = vs_total[i];

        double area_new = getConvexHullArea(vs_new);
        double area_old = area_total - area_new;
        double roses_new = countRosesInsideConvexHull2(vs_new);
        double roses_old = countRosesInsideConvexHull2(vs_old);

        int div_total = piece_total.numDivide;
        double ratio_old = area_old / area_total;
        double ratio_new = 1.0 - ratio_old;

        int div_new = max(int(round(div_total * ratio_new)), 1);
        int div_old = div_total - div_new;

        using namespace NGlobals;
        double meanArea = 1.0 * H * W / NP, meanRoses = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++)
            if (usedPiece[i])
                meanRoses += pieces[i].rosesInside;
        meanRoses /= NP;

        double old_score, new_score;
            double varArea = 0, varRoses = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) {
                varArea += pieces[i].numDivide * pow(pieces[i].area / pieces[i].numDivide - meanArea, 2);
                varRoses += pieces[i].numDivide * pow(1.0 * pieces[i].rosesInside / pieces[i].numDivide - meanRoses, 2);

            old_score = (1.0 + sqrt(varArea / NP)) * (1.0 + sqrt(varRoses / NP));

            meanRoses = (meanRoses * NP - roses_total + roses_old + roses_new) / NP;

            int div_total = pieces[pIdx1].numDivide;
            varArea +=
                div_new * pow(area_new / div_new - meanArea, 2) +
                div_old * pow(area_old / div_old - meanArea, 2) -
                div_total * pow(area_total / div_total - meanArea, 2);
            varRoses +=
                div_new * pow(1.0 * roses_new / div_new - meanRoses, 2) +
                div_old * pow(1.0 * roses_old / div_old - meanRoses, 2) -
                div_total * pow(1.0 * roses_total / div_total - meanRoses, 2);

            new_score = (1.0 + sqrt(varArea / NP)) * (1.0 + sqrt(varRoses / NP));

        return new_score - old_score;

    // 返り値は edge と分割された piece のペア
    pair<int, pair<int, int>> makeCut(int pieceIdx, int loc1, Point p1, int loc2, Point p2) {
        int pIdx1 = pieceIdx;
        int pIdx2 = vacantPieceIdx.top(); vacantPieceIdx.pop();
        usedPiece[pIdx2] = true;

        int eIdx = vacantEdgeIdx.top(); vacantEdgeIdx.pop();
        // 依存グラフに追加 (あとで関数化)
        for (int i = 0; i < cuts.size(); i++) {
            if (!usedEdge[i])
            if (isOnEdge(cuts[i], p1) || isOnEdge(cuts[i], p2)) {
        usedEdge[eIdx] = true;
        cuts[eIdx] = Edge(p1, p2);

        Piece piece_old = pieces[pIdx1];
        vector<Point> vs_total = piece_old.vs;
        vector<Point> vs_new(loc2 - loc1 + 3);
        vs_new[0] = vs_new.back() = p2;
        vs_new[1] = p1;
        for (int i = loc1 + 1; i <= loc2; i++)
            vs_new[i - loc1 + 1] = vs_total[i];

        double area_new = getConvexHullArea(vs_new);
        //if (area_new < 0.25)
        // return false;
        double area_old = piece_old.area - area_new;
        //if (area_old < 0.25)
        // return false;

        int div_total = piece_old.numDivide, div_new, div_old;
        double ratio_old = area_old / (area_old + area_new);
        double ratio_new = 1.0 - ratio_old;
        div_new = max(int(round(div_total * ratio_new)), 1);
        div_old = div_total - div_new;
        int roses_new = countRosesInsideConvexHull2(vs_new);

        pieces[pIdx2] = Piece(pIdx2, vs_new, area_new, roses_new, div_new);

        int n = vs_total.size();
        vector<Point> vs_old(n + loc1 - loc2 + 2);
        vs_old[0] = vs_old.back() = p1;
        vs_old[1] = p2;
        for (int i = loc2 + 1; i < n; i++)
            vs_old[i - loc2 + 1] = vs_total[i];
        for (int i = 1; i <= loc1; i++)
            vs_old[n - loc2 + i] = vs_total[i];
        int roses_old = countRosesInsideConvexHull2(vs_old);

        pieces[pIdx1] = Piece(pIdx1, vs_old, area_old, roses_old, div_old);

        return pair<int, pair<int, int>>(eIdx, pair<int, int>(pIdx1, pIdx2));

    // ピース pieceIdx に対しスコアを最小化するような分割を行う
    bool makeBestCut(int pieceIdx) {
        if (pieces[pieceIdx].numDivide == 1)
            return true;

        vector<vector<Point>> pts = getAllPointsOnConvexHull(pieces[pieceIdx].vs);

        int numPrimeEdge = 0;
        for (int e = 0; e < pts.size(); e++)
            if (pts[e].empty())

        // valid な分割が存在しない
        if (numPrimeEdge >= pts.size() - 1)
            return false;

        double min_scorediff = DBL_MAX;
        int min_e1, min_e2;
        Point min_p1, min_p2;

        for (int e1 = 0; e1 < pts.size() - 1; e1++) {
            for (int e2 = e1 + 1; e2 < pts.size(); e2++) {
                for (int v1 = 0; v1 < pts[e1].size(); v1++) {
                    for (int v2 = 0; v2 < pts[e2].size(); v2++) {
                        Point p1 = pts[e1][v1];
                        Point p2 = pts[e2][v2];
                        // 斜めでもなんでもあり.
                        double scorediff = calcScoreDiff(pieceIdx, e1, p1, e2, p2);
                        if (scorediff < min_scorediff) {
                            //dump(scorediff, p1, p2);
                            min_scorediff = scorediff;
                            min_e1 = e1; min_e2 = e2;
                            min_p1 = p1; min_p2 = p2;

        auto info = makeCut(pieceIdx, min_e1, min_p1, min_e2, min_p2);
        // 再帰的に分割していく
        if (!makeBestCut(info.second.first)) {
            return false;
        if (!makeBestCut(info.second.second)) {
            return false;

        return true;

    bool makeRandomCut(int pieceIdx) {
        if (pieces[pieceIdx].numDivide == 1)
            return false;

        auto pts = getAllPointsOnConvexHull(pieces[pieceIdx].vs);

        int loc1 = rnd.nextUInt(pts.size()), loc2;
        while (true) {
            loc2 = rnd.nextUInt(pts.size());
            if (loc1 != loc2)
        if (loc1 > loc2)
            swap(loc1, loc2);

        int i1 = rnd.nextUInt(pts[loc1].size());
        int i2 = rnd.nextUInt(pts[loc2].size());

        Point p1 = pts[loc1][i1];
        Point p2 = pts[loc2][i2];

        makeCut(pieceIdx, loc1, p1, loc2, p2);
        return true;

    // p1 は e を順方向に含む
    // 返り値はマージされたピースの id
    int mergePieces(int edgeIdx) {
        Edge e = cuts[edgeIdx];
        Edge info = getPieceInfoShareEdge(e);
        int pIdx1 = info.first.first;
        int pIdx2 = info.second.first;
        Piece& p1 = pieces[pIdx1];
        Piece& p2 = pieces[pIdx2];
        int i1 = info.first.second;
        int i2 = info.second.second;
        int n1 = p1.vs.size() - 1;
        int n2 = p2.vs.size() - 1;

        //dump(p1, p2);

        p1.area += p2.area;
        p1.numDivide += p2.numDivide;
        vector<Point> vs_new;
        for (int i = i1 + 2; i < i1 + n1; i++)
            vs_new.push_back(p1.vs[i % n1]);
        for (int i = i2 + 2; i < i2 + n2; i++)
            vs_new.push_back(p2.vs[i % n2]);
        //dump(p1.vs, p2.vs, vs_new);
        p1.vs = vs_new;
        p1.rosesInside = countRosesInsideConvexHull2(p1.vs);

        // pieces[pIdx2] は空き
        usedPiece[pIdx2] = false;

        // edge の更新
        usedEdge[edgeIdx] = false;
        cutsOrder.erase((find(cutsOrder.begin(), cutsOrder.end(), e)));

        return pIdx1;

    // edgeIdx および edgeIdx に依存するすべての辺の削除
    // 返り値は edge を取り除いて得られた piece の id
    int removeEdge(int edgeIdx) {
        // 子を持たないノードに達するまで降りる
        while (!dependency.G[edgeIdx].empty()) {

        // 子を持たないノードに到達
        // edgeIdx を共有する 2 つのピースをマージする
        return mergePieces(edgeIdx);

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const StateSA& s) {
    os << "pieces: " << s.pieces << endl;
    os << "cuts: " << s.cuts << endl;
    os << "dependency: " << s.dependency << endl;
    os << "validPiece: " << s.usedPiece << endl;
    return os;

class SolveSA {
    StateSA state;

    SolveSA() {}

    vector<Edge> solve() {

        SolveGreedy gsol;
        StateGreedy gstate = gsol.solve();
        state = StateSA(gstate);
        // 強引に多点スタートに
        vector<StateSA> initStates;
        for (int i = 0; i < gsol.states.size(); i++)

        using namespace NGlobals;

        StateSA initState = state;
        double finalScore = initState.calcPseudoScore(eval_default);
        StateSA finalState = initState;

        while (timer.time() - timer.t < 9.3) {
            state = initStates[rnd.nextUInt(initStates.size())];
            while (true) {
                int n = state.dependency.removable.size();
                if (!n)
                vector<int> v;
                for (auto i : state.dependency.removable)

                int edgeIdx = v[rnd.nextUInt(n)];

                int pieceIdx = state.removeEdge(edgeIdx);
                if (!state.makeBestCut(pieceIdx)) {
                    cerr << "error!!!" << endl;

            double score = state.calcPseudoScore(eval_default);
            if (score < finalScore) {
                //cerr << score << endl;
                finalScore = score;
                finalState = state;

        state = finalState;

        while (state.cuts.size() != 4)

        for (auto e : state.cutsOrder)

        return state.cuts;

class CakeSharing {
    vector<string> getAnswer(const vector<Edge>& cuts) const {
        vector<string> res;
        for (int i = 4; i < cuts.size(); i++) {
            const auto& cut = cuts[i];
            string s;
            s += to_string(X(cut.first));
            s.push_back(' ');
            s += to_string(Y(cut.first));
            s.push_back(' ');
            s += to_string(X(cut.second));
            s.push_back(' ');
            s += to_string(Y(cut.second));
        return res;

    void init(vector<string>& _roses, int _NP) {
        using namespace NGlobals;

        roses = _roses;
        H = roses.size();
        W = roses[0].size();
        NP = _NP;

        cumuRoses = vector<vector<int>>(H, vector<int>(W + 2, 0));
        NR = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < H; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < W; j++) {
                if (roses[i][j] == '.')
                cumuRoses[i][j + 1]++;
        // cumulate
        for (int i = 0; i < H; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < W + 1; j++)
                cumuRoses[i][j + 1] += cumuRoses[i][j];


    vector<string> cut(vector<string> _roses, int _NP) {
        init(_roses, _NP);
        //cerr << state << endl;
        SolveSA ssol;


        vector<string> ret = getAnswer(ssol.solve());
        return ret;

// -------8<------- end of solution submitted to the website -------8<-------

template<class T> void getVector(vector<T>& v) {
    for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i)
        cin >> v[i];

int main() {
    string filename = "testcase3.txt";
    //ofstream ofs(filename);
    //ifstream ifs(filename);

    CakeSharing cs;
    int H = 0;
    //ifs >> H;
    cin >> H;
    vector<string> roses(H);
    int NP;
    //ifs >> roses;
    //ifs >> NP;
    cin >> roses;
    cin >> NP;

    //ofs << H << endl;
    //for (int i = 0; i < H; i++)
    // ofs << roses[i] << endl;
    //ofs << NP << endl;

    vector<string> ret = cs.cut(roses, NP);
    cout << ret.size() << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)ret.size(); ++i)
        cout << ret[i] << endl;

    //cerr << timer.time() - timer.t << endl;
    //cerr << time_elapses << endl;